Morning Affirmations to Make Your Day More Positive
Morning affirmations can start your day off on the right foot and make your day more positive. I recently told my therapist that I wanted to be a more positive person in general, and she said to start using positive affirmations, especially in the morning.
(I use TalkSpace, by the way, and they take insurance. Comment below if you’d like a post about my experience with TalkSpace and why I’m even using it. Hi, Mom!)
Negativity can lead to only seeing what we lack and not all that we have. I’ve struggled with noticing everything I would like to have, like a babysitter, nice clothes, and more cooperative children. But when I started focusing on all that I do have, like healthy children, a chance to work from home, and clothes that still fit me well, I felt so much better. And I was nicer to be around.
One way to combat negative thinking is to start your morning with positive affirmations. Make using affirmations part of your routine by adding five minutes to your morning. These five minutes can set your day up for success.
Do Positive Affirmations Work?
Yes. Affirmations are helpful if you practice them. However, they won’t make much of a difference if you just say an affirmation once in your head. So, how do we use them to make a difference?
Why Start Your Day with Affirmations?
Perhaps you’re wondering why you can’t simply say affirmations whenever you’d like, which you can. But there are two main benefits to using morning Affirmations.
- If you’re starting your day with affirmations, you’re taking the time to set up your day as opposed to reacting to your day.
- Our brains naturally have a negative skew, and if we aren’t careful, we can get into the habit of negativity. This can look like tension building throughout the day as things go wrong, kids act up, or traffic is heavy. Starting our day with positive affirmations can be like putting our armor on before heading out for battle.
How to Practice Morning Affirmations
- Say your affirmation aloud
- Choose one specific affirmation to focus on for the day
- Keep the language positive (for example, say “I will think positively” instead of “I will not think negatively”)
- Write it somewhere – pen to paper is helpful in remembering your affirmation
- Try to repeat your affirmation a couple of times throughout the day
- It can be beneficial to write it in your planner, as a reminder on your phone, or a strategically placed sticky note
- Try to focus on your affirmation without distraction
Categories with Affirmation Examples
So, what are some morning affirmations we can start our day with? Here are a few categories and examples to get you started. Feel free to use anything as long as it resonates with you and is positive.
Motherhood and Children
- I am the best mom for my kids
- I do my best with what I know
- My kids are exactly who they are supposed to be
- There is no hurry
- I am shepherding growing and loving individuals
- My peace rests in Jesus
- I live in the moment to enjoy my family
- I am blessed with many things and people to care for
- I am discerning to know what to-dos are truly important
- I serve my family with delight in this season of my life
- I go with the flow and focus on what’s important
- My children feel loved, and that is enough
- My best is good enough
- Done not perfect
- I put my best foot forward every day
- A little progress every day goes a long way
- I determine my success
- I can handle whatever comes my way
- I enjoy my work and how I can help others
Self Love & Self-Esteem
- I am enough
- I am complete
- I work hard
- I am a human being, not a human doing
- I love myself just as I am
- I am capable of (whatever you want to do)
- I am proud of who I am becoming
- I am worth it
- I will figure it out
- My body does so much for me
- I love myself as my best friend
- I choose happiness
- I decide how to write my story
Hard Times (Loss, Illness, Struggle)
- It will all work out for my good
- God’s got this, and He is with me
- I am strong
- I can handle whatever comes my way
- No weapon formed against me will prosper (Paraphrase, Isaiah 54:17)
- I was made for this
- This too shall pass
- I will come out on the other side of this
- I have everything I need to succeed
- A new dawn is coming
Final Thoughts on Morning Affirmations to Start Your Day
Use these examples to start shifting your thoughts toward the positive. Consider adding a few other positive rituals to uplevel your day.